Horsin' Around, Inc.

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(252) 478-7279
(866) 506-6560

Christmas is just around the corner! Horsin' Around, Inc. rents sleighs and other props for fabulous holiday season decorations. Imagine one of our beautiful, old world sleighs in your shop widow or home, complete with appropriate props. See more of our beautiful sleighs here.


Include in your decorating plans an antique horse-drawn sleigh.  Imagine that sleigh in your lobby display or move it into a dining area for a focal point.  Of course, it's a natural photo prop for adults or for Santa with the kids.  With each sleigh we include a set of Amish sleigh bells and a colorful lap robe.  Let us fill it with wrapped gifts, teddy bears, or poinsettias.


Call us at (252) 478-7279  or (866) 506-6560 and we'll share some of our ideas for a winter display.


Reservations are being taken now for one of our beautiful sleighs.

We also offer horse-drawn wagon and carriage rides for caroling or any special  holiday event.

See more beautiful sleighs here!

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©Horsin' Around, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

(252) 478-7279
(866) 506-6560